Book List

The Fabliss Life of Bella Mellman

by Shirley Sacks
(2015) Kindle Edition & Paperback

Listen and view illustrations here as the author,
Shirley Sacks reads an excerpt.
Available at:

Under the Shadow: Children of the First Star, Volume I

by J. M. Kay
(2014) Kindle Edition & Paperback

View the trailer here.
Available at:

Chet Baker: The Missing Years A Memoir by Artt Frank

by Artt Frank
(2014) Kindle Edition & Paperback

Available at:

Katrin’s Chronicles: The Canon of Jacqueléne Dyanne Vol. 1

by Valerie C. Woods
(2013) Kindle Edition & Paperback

View the trailer here.
Excerpt at:
Available at:

I Believe… A Ghost Story for the Holidays

by Valerie C. Woods
(2012) Kindle Edition & Paperback

View the trailer here.
Available at: